Accessing the Schedules Screen

To view the schedules registered in the system, navigate to the side menu and select: Access Control > Schedule.


Filtering Schedules

Use the Active filter at the top of the screen to filter schedules. The available options are:

  • All: Shows all registered schedules.
  • Active: Lists only the active schedules.
  • Inactive: Displays the schedules that have been deactivated.

Searching Schedules

In the Search field, type part of the schedule name you want to find. The results matching your search will be automatically displayed in the list.

Adding a Schedule

To add a new schedule, you can:

  • Click the New Schedule button.
  • Or click the + (plus) icon located at the top of the screen.


The process of registering a new schedule in the system is easy and efficient. Follow these steps to add a new schedule rule:

  1. Fill in the Description:
  2. In the "Description" field, enter a name or identification for the schedule rule being created.

  3. Configure Days and Times:

  4. Select the days of the week on which you want to apply this schedule rule. Use the comboboxes to choose the desired days.

  5. For each selected day, specify the start and end times using the respective comboboxes.

  6. Save the Registration:

  7. After configuring the days and times according to your preference, click the "Save" button to register the new schedule rule.

This process allows you to set specific schedules for different days of the week, adapting to your system's requirements.

Tip: To make the scheduling process easier, you can use the replication feature. The button is an arrow located to the right of the schedule.

Editing a Schedule

To edit an existing schedule, click the Pencil icon corresponding to the record you want to edit. You will be redirected to the Edit Screen, where you can make the desired modifications.


After filling in all the information and selecting the desired settings, click the Save button to confirm the registration or the changes made. If you want to cancel the operation, click the Cancel button to return to the previous screen without saving the changes.

Deactivating or Deleting a Schedule

Click the Trash icon in the row of the record you want to deactivate or delete. A dialog box will appear with two options:

  • Inactive: Deactivates the selected schedule, which will no longer appear in the active list but will remain in the database.
  • Delete permanently: Performs a 'fake delete,' marking the record as deleted in the database without physically removing it.


Activating a Schedule

Activating an inactive schedule is a simple process. First, filter by Inactive. This will display the list of schedules that are currently inactive.

Locate the record you want to activate and click the ✔️ icon to activate it. A dialog box will appear to confirm or cancel the operation.


Selecting the Number of Records Displayed

At the bottom of the screen, use the selector to choose how many records you want to view at a time. The options are: 10, 20, 50, and 100

Viewing and Navigating Between Records

The bottom of the screen also shows the count of displayed records and the total number of registered records.

Use the pagination controls to navigate between record pages. The navigation options include: - << and >> to go to the First or Last page. - < and > to Advance or Go Back a page. - [1] [2] ... [N] page indicators to click and access directly.
