Accessing the Visitors List Screen

To view the visitors registered in the system, access it via the side menu under the option: Enrollment > Visitors.


Filtering Visitors

Use the Active filter located at the top of the screen to filter Visitors. The available options are:

  • All: Shows all registered visitors.

  • Active: Lists only the visitors that are active.

  • Inactive: Displays the visitors that have been deactivated.

Use the Advanced Search button at the top of the screen to filter by specific characteristics. Clicking the button expands an advanced filters section on the screen.


The available options are:

  • Groups and Companies: By choosing a group or company, you can view a list of visitors who belong to the selected group or are associated with the selected company.

  • Document Type: By selecting the desired document type, the "Document Number" field becomes available for input, allowing the display of visitors registered with that specific document type.

  • Document Number: Free text input field.

  • Blacklist: Checkbox that allows filtering of visitors who are or are not on the blacklist.

  • Card Number: Free text input field that allows filtering of visitors by card number.

  • ID: Free text input field that allows filtering of visitors by ID number.

  • Mobile Number: Free text input field that allows filtering of visitors by mobile number.

  • Intercom Extension: Free text input field that allows filtering of visitors by intercom extension.

After entering the desired information in the advanced search, click the Filter button to display the corresponding results in the visitors list. Use the Clear button to remove all filled filter data.


Searching Visitors

In the Search field, type part of the visitor's name or email you want to find. The results matching your search will automatically be displayed in the list.

Adding a New Visitor

To add a new visitor, you can: - Click the New Visitor button. - Or click the + (plus) icon located in the header of the screen.


In the visitor registration form, in addition to filling out fields such as 'Name,' 'Email,' 'Notes,' 'Mobile Number,' 'Document,' and 'Intercom Extension,' you can also add a photo directly from your device by clicking on the 'cloud' icon image.png. Or, if you prefer, open your device's camera and take a new photo by clicking on the 'camera' icon image.png.

In the visitor registration and editing form, there are also eight tabs that allow the inclusion of additional information and specific configurations for the visitor. These tabs are:

- General:

The General tab contains all the fields mentioned earlier and also some components that allow configuration for the registered visitor. See below:

  • Toggle: Remote Registration By activating this button, you allow the visitor to complete the registration remotely. When activated, a link is generated, and three options become available: Copy Link, Send via WhatsApp (the mobile number must be filled in), and Send via Email (the email address must be filled in). image.png

  • Text input field: Visited Company Filling in this field will depend on the configuration chosen in the 'Visitors' tab, located in the settings menu. When enabled, this field allows the user to enter the name of the visited company.

  • Text input field: Visited Person Filling in this field will depend on the configuration chosen in the 'Visitors' tab, located in the settings menu. When enabled, this field allows the user to enter the name of the visited person.

Note: For additional information about Visitor Settings, refer to the corresponding documentation.

- Additional Information:


The Additional Information tab is intended for filling in additional personal details of the registered visitor. It includes data such as occupation, parents' names, date of birth, and more.

- Groups and Companies:


Facilitates the association of the visitor with groups or companies registered in the system. By clicking the Link button, a list of groups and companies will be displayed on the screen.


To associate a visitor with a group or company, simply click on the blue arrow icon corresponding to the desired group or company. After clicking, the selected group or company will be transferred to the list on the right, indicating that they have been selected. To remove it from the list, simply click on the red arrow icon, returning the selected company to the available list. After making the desired selections, click the Save button to confirm or the Cancel button to cancel the operation.


After associating one or more groups or companies, they will be displayed in the Groups and Companies list to which the visitor is linked. To delete these associations, click the trash can icon.

Note: For additional information about Groups and Companies, refer to the corresponding documentation.

- Authorization:


Allows configuring the visitor's duration of stay by selecting the start date and time, as well as the end date and time.

- Advanced:


Allows you to promote a visitor to a user. Simply click the Promote to User button, and the system will display a confirmation screen. If you wish to confirm, click the Yes, promote button; otherwise, click Cancel.


- Cards:


Allows the linking of a card to a visitor in three ways:

  • Add a Card: By clicking on Add Card, you can manually register a card. A form will allow you to choose the card type (Ask Area and Code, Ask Decimal, and Mifare Decimal) and fill in the Card's Readable Code, according to the selected type. Click Save to add the card to the visitor's list or Cancel to abort the operation.


  • Remote Registration: By clicking on Remote Card Number Capture, you can register a card using a device. Select a device and click Start.


Next, the card scanning and confirmation process will begin.


  • Temporary Card: The Temporary Card option allows you to link a temporary card already registered in the system. Clicking this button displays a form where you can choose the card type and select from the cards available in the system of that type. Additionally, it is necessary to provide a maximum linking date.


Note: For additional information about Temporary Cards, refer to the corresponding documentation.

- Fingerprints:


Facilitates the registration of fingerprints through a device or iDBio USB. Additionally, it is possible to register the "Panic Fingerprint." - To register using a device, simply click the Register with a Device button, choose a device from the list, and click Start. The fingerprint collection operation will automatically start, and you just need to follow the instructions on the device and on the screen.

Note: For additional information about Devices, refer to the corresponding documentation.


  • To register using iDBio, the biometric reader must be installed. Click the Register with iDBio USB button. If necessary, click on Installation Driver and follow the provided instructions. If the reader is already installed, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the fingerprint registration.


To remove a registered fingerprint, click the Delete button and confirm the operation. Note that this action deletes all fingerprints linked to that record.


- Facial Recognition:


Allows for remote facial registration. Simply click the Face Capture button, choose the device from those available, and then click the Start button. The facial capture process via the device will begin.


- QR Code:


Facilitates the generation of a QR code that can be sent by email or printed to be used as an access key in locations with QR code reading devices. To generate it, simply click the Generate QR Code button, and the QR Code will be available to share via email by clicking on Share via email or for printing by clicking on Print.


You can delete a generated QR code at any time by clicking the Delete QR Code button.


Tip: On the settings screen, you can enter a standard personalized text for sending QR codes. For more information, refer to the corresponding documentation.

Editing a Visitor

To edit an existing visitor, click the Pencil icon corresponding to the record you want to modify. You will be redirected to the Edit Screen, where you can modify the necessary information.


Saving a Visitor's Record

After filling in all the desired information, click the Save button to confirm the registration or edits made. If you wish to cancel the operation, click the Cancel button to return to the previous screen without saving the changes.

Deactivating or Deleting a Visitor

Click the Trash icon on the row of the record you want to deactivate or delete.

A dialog box will appear with two options:

  • Inactive: Deactivates the selected visitor, who will no longer be displayed in the active list but will remain in the database.

  • Permanently delete: Performs a 'fake delete,' marking the record as deleted in the database without physically removing it.


Activating a Visitor

Activating an inactive record is a simple process. First, filter by Inactive. This will display the list of visitors that are currently inactive.

Locate the record you want to activate and click the ✔️ icon to activate it. A dialog box will appear to confirm or cancel the operation.

Selecting the Number of Records Displayed

At the bottom of the screen, use the selector to choose how many records you want to view at a time. The options are: 10, 20, 50, and 100.

Viewing and Navigating Between Records

The bottom of the screen also shows the count of displayed records and the total number of registered records.

Use the pagination controls to navigate between the record pages. The navigation options include: - <<and >> to go to the First or Last page. - <and > to Advance or Recede one page. - [1] [2] ... [N] page indicators to click and access directly.
